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Tiny Toss is an "Easy to Learn, Difficult to Master" game! This tiniest(~250kb) full featured game on app store has Tons of Fun and UNLIMITED challenges!

The 60 second challenges:
You get 60 seconds to complete each level. On each level you need to toss one to four object/s and drop it in the gap on the floor. Thats it!

Sounds too simple? Too easy?! Well, not really! Soon, you will find 60 seconds passes really too fast!!

Initial levels are made simple and easy. Higher the level, difficult it gets!

Have fun, invite your friends, play with your family!

- Just around 250KB download size, that was tough to make, trust me!
- No downloadable content!
- 100+ levels were designed manually!
- No Ads!!

Working on realtime multiplayer version. So, stay tuned!

App Story:
For a tiny publisher like me, every app has a story, every app is a dream. A story of hard working, sleepless nights and a dream of ... sound sleep perhaps? :p

I was thinking how tiny a game can be, yet challenging, addictive and full o fun. I did a research on app sizes on iTunes app store. And all the app I found less than 1MB was not really good, IMHO. So, I thought, can I make a tiny game < 1MB in size yet with challenging and fun to play? And the result is this app!

Only iOS SDK and built in frameworks are used, namely UIKit Dynamics. btw, if you are a developer, can you make a similar app with these features and in this size? :D

I will make the source open soon via Github. I will be happy to learn from you!